
Labour Pledge Support for Female Facilities Upgrade

As well as the successes on the field, Lions FC have also scored a win off the field with support of Labour MP Milton Dick, Member for Oxley, pledging his support for the club with a $500,000 changing room upgrade to become female compliant.

“It’s fantastic news for the club as we continue to expand, especially with the continued growth in girls and women’s football” said Lions FC General Manager, Rob Scanlon.

“Riding on the success we have had on the pitch in the female competitions  and more recently followed up with the Westfield Matildas having a 5 day training camp at the club, this pledge will go a long way to Lions continuing to lift the bar so we can produce the next Sam Kerr”.

The Member for Oxley, Milton Dick said “Lions Football Club are a fantastic club and it’s important that we support the growth in female participation in football with proper change room facilities” said Mr Dick.

“This will ensure the club can continue to host top level W-League fixtures as well as provide appropriate facilities for girls who just love having a kick with their friends in the junior leagues.

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